Tags: opengl*

12 bookmark(s) - Sort by: Date ↓ / Title /

  1. Tags: by Andreas Turtschan (2015-06-22)
  2. This is an introductory overview post for the Linux Graphics Stack, and how it currently all fits together.
  3. Tags: , by Andreas Turtschan (2012-04-24)
  4. Tags: by Andreas Turtschan (2012-01-23)
  5. Tags: , by Andreas Turtschan and 1 other (2011-08-23)
  6. A 3D game engine for livecoding worlds into existence.
    Tags: , , by Benjamin Schweizer (2011-06-25)
  7. Tags: by Andreas Turtschan (2011-04-05)
  8. Tags: , , by Andreas Turtschan (2011-08-23)
  9. Tags: , by Andreas Turtschan (2011-08-23)
  10. Given the prevalence of DirectX nowadays, we tend to forget that 10 years ago an all-out war was being waged between Microsoft and Silicon Graphics in the field of 3D APIs. The two companies were both trying to win over developers, with Microsoft using its financial muscle and SGI relying on its experience and its reputation in the field of real-time 3D. In this modern David-versus-Goliath battle, the “little guy” won a precious ally in one of the most famous game developers–-Mr. John Carmack. In part due to the success of the Quake engine, solid support for OpenGL opengl became important enough to motivate makers of 3D cards to provide complete drivers. In fact, it gave 3dfx one of its early advantages and knocked ATI to the back of the pack as it struggled with its OpenGL support.
    Tags: , , by Benjamin Schweizer (2008-09-22)

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