Tags: __blog__* + web*

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  1. Over time web technologies have evolved to give web developers the ability to create new generations of useful and immersive web experiences. Today's web is a result of the ongoing efforts of an open web community that helps define these web technologies, like HTML5, CSS3 and WebGL and ensure that they're supported in all web browsers.
    Tags: , , , by Benjamin Schweizer (2011-09-03)
  2. It’s true: web development, at its worst, is difficult, repetitive, and boring. The tools we have suck. At best, they make web development slightly less painful, but we’re a long way from making web development awesome.
  3. Some of you may be aware of the technique of banner grabbing to find out what software is running on a remote machine. It is done by reading out transmitted data that contains a product name and/or version, such as HTTP's "Server:" response header. Like virtually every content sent by a server, the server is totally free what to send, i.e. this can be easily faked by an HTTP server's admin, and is sometimes even done.
  4. 404 Research Labs maintain a bookmark collection to funny HTTP error pages. There's also a 404 page of the week - great stuff!
    Tags: , , , , , , by Benjamin Schweizer (2007-09-25)
  5. "I've always wanted to change my legal name to ;DROP DATABASE; and see what kind of havoc ensues..."

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