Dag is "disappointed about the lack of best practices and standardization regarding KVM on GFS clustering. ... » Have you been setting up libvirt environments, share your best practices here ! If you found interesting links to information, let us know too. Let's fill this void."
Felix von Leitner's original paper on BSD and Linux io performance.
Back in May 2000 the first issue of Linux Format magazine hit the newsstands. One of its features was a group test of Linux distributions, reflecting the state of play in Linux flavours at the time. If you fancy a trip down memory lane or just a quick look at how beautiful Linux wasn't all those years ago, we've dug out the original article complete with screenshots - read on!
Many readers will have heard about Arjan van de Ven and Auke Kok's work to boot an ASUS Eee 901 in 5 seconds. Inspired by this work, and because I have the same laptop, I decided to try to reproduce their results. So far I have not come very close to their 5 seconds, but I have made some significant improvements compared to the default boot time for Debian on that machine; this article describes what I've done.
Linux is enjoying growth, with a contingent of devotees too large to be called a cult following at this point. Solaris, meanwhile, has thrived as a longstanding, primary Unix platform geared to enterprises. But with Linux the object of all the buzz in the industry, can Sun's rival Solaris Unix OS hang on, or is it destined to be displaced by Linux altogether?
The Linux Hater's Blog. Great fun, "in a way that xkcd is funny to Unixers. Whoever is writing that blog has extensive experience on Linux and enviable writing skills." --Miguel de Icaza
Looks like Apple, Inc. added cryptographic checksums to their latest iPod firmware and locks out competitors and home-made programs from using it.
An interview with Madd (LUG Sinsheim) on Windows Vista, Linux and the freedom that Free Software gives to its users (published in German language in the local newspaper Kraichgau Stimme)