Tags: __blog__* + event*

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  1. Tags: , , , , , , by Benjamin Schweizer (2012-08-22)
  2. The Large Hackerspace Convention Episode II should be exactly that. Hackerspaces and hackerspace-folks from all over Germany, Europe, the world, our galaxy, and the rest of the universe will meet for an informal exchange of knowledge. Together we'll talk about our experiences and ideas regarding the hackerspace movement.
  3. SIGINT is a conference on discourse in the digital age, brought to you by the Chaos Computer Club, one of the biggest and most influential hacker organizations in Europe. Its stated purpose is to bring together, surprise, and enlighten those interested in playful and clever interactions with computers, networks, art, politics, and society. SIGINT is about participation and making the world a better place. The conference takes place in Cologne, Germany, in close proximity to the Ruhr area in Western Germany and not far from the borders of the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxemburg.
  4. How do you protect yourself from dataloss, espionage, trojans, spam and worms? Information security is of central importance to companies. In various workshops, practitioners inform about existing risks and possible counter actions. A live demonstration shows how hackers work and where you can find possible security holes.
  5. The Gpn is a yearly scene event in Karlsruhe. Hackers, crackers, geeks, nerds and other technology lovers meet there for three days and share ideas and source code. There's a conference track, nice ambiance and interesting people.
  6. a low and no budget movie festival

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