Tags: __blog__* + best practices*

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  1. Dag is "disappointed about the lack of best practices and standardization regarding KVM on GFS clustering. ... » Have you been setting up libvirt environments, share your best practices here ! If you found interesting links to information, let us know too. Let's fill this void."
  2. Using MongoDB to implement tree structures has some advantages, but as it lacks features that traditional RDBMSes have (like table locking and transactions), it is easy to create race conditions during simultanous operations. This is a pretty generic problem and I hope we can emphasize common problems and best practices on the implementation of thread-safe tree tables here.
  3. Sometimes even good programmers at their first tries of Python use less than optimal solutions and language constructs. In the years Python has accumulated few redundancies and few warts (and some of them will be removed with Python 3.0), but it's a generally clean language still, so with a page like this you can avoid the most common ones. This page hopes to be really simple and short enough, you can find explanations online elsewhere.

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