Tags: __blog__* + apple*

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  1. AddressBookSync is a free Mac OS X application to download profile pictures and other Facebook data to Address Book cards
  2. The move toward 64-bit computing is often generalized behind the assumption that "more bits must be better," but that's not always true. In some cases, expanding support for more bits of memory addressing only results in requiring more RAM and computing overhead to do the same thing. However, Apple's progressive expansion of 64-bit support in Snow Leopard will bring performance enhancements across the board for users of new 64-bit Intel Macs. Here's a look at why, along with how it is that every version of Mac OS X since Tiger has advertised "64-bit support" as a key feature.
  3. I tried to log in to Apple Developer Connection this morning to find out that my password had been changed and the email associated with my account was now a yahoo.com address that wasn't mine. Luckily, my "security question" was still the same, so I was able to reset the password and email address back.
    Tags: , , , by Benjamin Schweizer (2008-07-09)
  4. Looks like Apple, Inc. added cryptographic checksums to their latest iPod firmware and locks out competitors and home-made programs from using it.

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