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  1. Later, he wrote an email client at Netscape, but the team that was responsible for actually displaying the message never shipped their component. “There was just this big blank rectangle in the middle of the window where we could only display plain text. They were being extremely academic about their project. They were trying to approach it from the DOM/DTD side of things. ‘Oh, well, what we need to do is add another abstraction layer here, and have a delegate for this delegate for this delegate. And eventually a character will show up on the screen.’”
  2. "Dive Into Python 3 covers Python 3 and its differences from Python 2. Compared to Dive Into Python, it’s about 20% revised and 80% new material. I am publishing drafts online as I go. Please send feedback. The final version will be published on paper by Apress. The book will remain online under the CC-BY-SA-3.0 license."
  3. This Open Source Guide is about DNS and (mostly) BIND 9.x on Linux (Fedora Core), BSD's (FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD) and Windows (Win 2K, XP, Server 2003). It is meant for newbies, Rocket Scientist wannabees and anyone in between.
    Tags: , , , by Benjamin Schweizer (2010-01-15)
  4. Explore Flask is a book about best practices and patterns for developing web applications with Flask.
  5. M. Abramowitz and I. A. Stegun
  6. Tags: , , , by Benjamin Schweizer (2007-12-04)

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